Intro Sequence
Controls x - Map and Items
Shift - Run
z - Interact
A school climbing trip with her 2 friends one ufufufu one gyagyagya...
Start to H-Scene 1
feel free to check the dog statues and make note of the broken ones positions as this'll be important later.
...not scared. Save Spot here, there is only 2 with another being in the right side of the mansion.
Head north to the Stage, make note of the Star symbol on the right seat for a puzzle later.
As you leave the stage walk behind the right staircase to enter a secret passage that has a green medal (These 4 medals are needed to unlock the true ending).
To the right of the central floor is a door that leads to a beam above a hole interacting with the beam says she's not brave enough to do it. So walk back.
Walking to left is a hall with 3 doors the first door is the dining room which needs a key, the 2nd the medal door, and lastly a door to a statue puzzle.
As you walk down this hall interact with the pictures with the last one showcasing the location of an item. Back to the central floor look at the spot on the picture of the rug to get the Dining Room key.
In the dining room walk to the kitchen at the back and pull the switch to unlock something.
Back in the central floor the stairs are now accessible, so go up to access the 2nd floor more doors everywhere, walk to the back left, when you have control keep walking left to see a dead end and a dusty mirror. You can see a shiny object at the dead end for a Guest Room 1 Key.
The room is the bottom left of the 2nd floor.
As you walk in you'll see a picture on the floor with steppable panels. start from the left and head to the right.
After unlocking the top right cabinet you'll get Guest Room 2 Key which is the room above this one.
From H-Scene 1 - H-Scene 2
Enjoy the scene, when in control take note of the mask on the wall with no red eyes. Then observe the picture next to the bed. This is a stage puzzle with which you move from the tail to the head marked with the star symbol.
Make sure to pay close attention to the path and go to the stage to attempt it. If alls well and good you should see a speech bubble at the front of the stage. Pick up the key for Guest Room 3 at the front.
Back upstairs enter the top right room which is a library which holds cabinets with colored books these are clues to the medals needed to finished the game. In order to see the clues colored keys are required to see them, as the guide states where and how to get the medals. Useful later.
Back at the 2f enter the room south of the library for guest room 3, items are scattered around the room pick them all up and place them on their respective places, rose on vase, doll on table, teacup with kettle and bird with cage. This'll unlock the cabinet next to the bed.......
Run downstairs and try to leave through the front door, scene, in control you can attempt the beam cross in the room to your right.
In the mansion's right side theres a save point with 2 doors the left one being the bathroom and the 2nd one a puzzle room.
Enter the laundry pick up the dust cloth on the right of the clothes basket, open the sliding door and interact the bath, she'll decide to take a bath back to the laundry interact the basket, enjoy scene, open the slide doors, scene, you'll acquire the blue medal in the bath.
She'll be hungry now, but first observe the pictures in this hall you'll see a mascot picture, face look familiar its guest room 1's panel face so make note of the red eye. Enter the far right door.
Now for another puzzle, the point of this one is to have each scale equal each other with the balls available to place the balls simply stand on the panels available on the scale. red being the heaviest to green being the lightest. Before solving entering the top right door shows the problem that its locked. So first problem opening it, I went with left = 2 blue, 1 green, right = 1 red, 2 green. Opening the top right door now leads to darkness, we need a torch. Can't do anything for now so head back across.
From H-Scene 2 - H-Scene 3
Head back across the beam to the other side of the mansion, enjoy scene, in the central floor head upstairs to the guest room 1 and interact with the space of the red eye on the mascot. This gets you the green key for the library.
Back downstairs and enter the dining room, order up eat the food!, scene, in control observe the plate for a riddle stating fire and water love each other soil loves plant and plant loves water. This is the solution to the statue room which is the left of the hall.
Enter the statue room and pick up the blue key to the top left, interact with the handle of one of the statues and it will move and observe the eyes of the red statue , you should be able to keep pushing the other statues handles until red faces blue, blue faces red, brown faces green and green faces blue. Door should open and the red key and a stepladder can be found.
Next back to the kitchen area and use the stepladder to obtain the scewdriver, then back to the statue room to use the screwdriver on the red statue to obtain the red balls. Go to Guest room 2 upstairs and place the red balls in the mask and you'll get the torch.
Go upstairs and interact with the dusty mirror at the top left, needs water, head downstairs and enter the dining room and in the kitchen wash the cloth. Head upstairs again and wash the mirror. Interact the mirror and you'll enter mirror world.
Ugh these puzzles, I'd tell you to just enter all of them until you get it but....
first room enter the far left mirror, 2nd room go up and enter the north mirror, 3rd room go right , then up, then left, then up and enter the mirror there. 4th room go left then up and pick up the hammer.
From here go down all the way right, then up and enter the far right mirror to come back to the 1st room.
From here enter the mirror you just came from and then in the next room go right the up and enter the left mirror, from here interact with the mirror to the left of where you are use that hammer baby! Enter the smashed mirror and continue along to one lone mirror, enjoy scene.
From H-Scene 3 - H-Scene 4
Outside the mirrors pick up the blue ball, head downstairs and go right to the beam hole and you'll see a much more boring path, cross, enter and save, enter the far right door.
Now for the 2nd part of this puzzle use the screwdriver on the grate to see a a hole place the blue ball in there and now we have part 2 the same puzzle but with an extra blue ball. My solution Left = 1 red, 1 blue, right = 2 blue, 3 green. The mask to the right should drop revealing a battery for the torch.
Enter the top left door and spooky, keep going further in this room interact with top left table to acquire a fire extinguisher go back down for scene, enjoy,
From H-Scene 4 - H-Scene 7
back into the central floor go upstairs and enter the bottom right room where the cluttered items where and pick up the yellow key where the ghost was.
Then enter the library above this room and open each cabinet with all 4 keys you've acquired then interact with each one showing there clues.
Outside go towards the middle of 2f and interact with the painting and you'll see the red medal just above the painting using the stepladder to get it.
Back downstairs enter the dining room and use the extinguisher on the fireplace, then interact to enter the fireplace and finally getting the front door key!!!
End Game
Alright choices as you can tell she's very covered in soot so you can either exit the mansion at the front which leads to End 1 blah blah she went back and all that OR go to the bathroom and have a soak!
If you chose the bathroom the game will continue, enjoy scene, then walk to the basket and interact exit and go left, head across the beam for deliciousness,when in control head to the main floor, save and head north towards the stage, head inside for scenes,
From H-Scene 7 - H-Scene 10
Back in main floor, save and exit the front door. Remember the path i mentioned on the broken dog heads follow them to a space on the wall and you'll get the last yellow medal.
Now you could just leave the mansion heading south for End 2. But keep trying to enter the mansion again and she'll become horny with lust..
Back inside the mansion all the big scenes you've come across now have horny scenes so bathroom, mirror world and stage. So go do them and enjoy, now if you remember the medal room we can now enter that room after placing them in their correct indents. Entering the room going around and going downstairs leads to one room. Enter and surprise!!!! interact with the slot machine thing and the book on the left will open interact and you'll get some exposition on the maker of the world and their reasons behind it while seeing the credits.. Then oooh that ending.... ohhhhhhh!!!