Obscene - это не непристойные.. синоним - mind boggling.
честно в жизни не встречал использование 'Obscene' по отношению к людям.
часто используется по отношению к деньгам- количеству.
Obscene amount of money.
Потому что с английским у тебя хреново.
Вот простой гугл поиск по словарю:
(of the portrayal or description of sexual matters) offensive or disgusting by accepted standards of morality and decency.
"obscene jokes"
synonyms: pornographic, indecent, salacious, smutty, X-rated, lewd, rude, dirty, filthy, vulgar, foul, coarse, crude, gross, vile, nasty, disgusting, offensive, shameless, immoral, improper, immodest, impure, indecorous, indelicate, unwholesome, scabrous, off colour, lubricious, risqué, ribald, bawdy, suggestive, titillating, racy, erotic, carnal, sensual, sexy, lascivious, lecherous, licentious, libidinous, goatish, degenerate, depraved, amoral, debauched, dissolute, prurient; More
antonyms: pure, decent
offending against moral principles; repugnant.
"using animals' skins for fur coats is obscene"
synonyms: shocking, scandalous, vile, foul, atrocious, outrageous, heinous, wicked, evil, odious, abhorrent, abominable, disgusting, hideous, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, repellent, obnoxious, offensive, objectionable, loathsome, hateful, nauseating, sickening, awful, dreadful, terrible, frightful, ghastly; More