- 2012-11 - update
14 sets + extrasize + covers - 684 photos - resolution 1333x2000
adrienne, alexa, barbara, ela, elizabeth, ella mai, janine, tunde, valeria
2012-11 - extrasize
adrienne - 17 - bubble blower 2
alexa - 15 - world series
alexa - 16 - world series 2
barbara - 14 - the devil's touch 2
barbara -13 - the devil's touch
ela - 05 - heaven
ela - 06 - heaven 2
elizabeth - 18 - the french bikini 2
ella mai - 01 - maximum capacity
ella mai - 02 - maximum capacity 2
janine - 03 - sirens
janine - 04 - sirens 2
tunde - 08 - the beauty project
valeria - 10 - water show 2