RPG is a natural daughter and various hustles.
I play and is only part of the story, but can be cleared even if roughly four to five hours, and to explore the village in search of erotic event, will take six to seven hours.
Has the contents of basically feel dimly bright.
Is an orthodox RPG combat.
Difficulty is going to have only a little higher, it will reduce the degree of difficulty to make money if prostitution.
Play has become a virgin of course also possible.
There is no game over basically.
When you defeat the boss monster event dedicated insult will occur.
CG16 + basic difference images.
Most of the erotic event has become prostitution.
When walking around naked or have a specific map, but were defeated the monster would be insulting, to the atmosphere and still will not be muddy.
■ game system
You go up in three points "to the naughty thing (which is)" "use a specific item" "blur the question of the villagers in return" raises the natural means.
By natural increase, but then it would be naughty daughter is fast and silly.
When the natural progression is to some extent, Arukimawareru looks like naked.
There are changes in the ground walking, and changes in reaction of the villagers.
The higher the numerical value of natural, since this will tend to etch actively for, you can also become the first play was something shy, even from their own to seek actively.
Some caution is required, such as monsters in combat sexual harassment of tricks to come, or so that is also a bat-only status and naked.
Has published the information the site's blog.
■ This work has been produced by the RPG Maker VX.
In order to play this work is required (free) RTP for RPG Maker VX.
Please download at our site below.