For Slave Quest(some message copy from nomanex)
道具屋(Item store) - Restorative items. Item マンスターボール can catch girl monster if hp under helf
会話(Conversation):sometime talk to her sometime will give u quest:
1 girl monster ピクシー --- 1-9F
2 girl monster エンジェル --- 30-39F
3 girl monster 化猫 --- 66-75F
if done all 3 quest can choice 裏メニュー(new buying list)
武器屋(Weapon store) - weapons. There are 3 types of weapons, each for a different class of warrior. Some weapons give you higher attack, some give you better intelligence, etc.
quest from weapon store girl:
1 アイドルのブロマイド --- 10-19F
2 アイドルのポスター --- 30-39F
3 アイドルのヌード写真集 --- 41-49F
if done all 3 quest can choice 裏メニュー(new buying list)
防具屋(Armor store) - just your typical RGP armor system.
quest from armor store girl:
1 オナーニの書 --- 教会(Church)
2 押し倒しの書 --- 教会(Church)
3 乱交パーティーの書 --- 教会(Church)
if done all 3 quest can choice 裏メニュー(new buying list)
調教の館(School) - You can train your character here.When u lvl up u can get 4-6パンツ(underwear, number in random), use this training increases your attack (S調教), defense (M調教), intellgence(淫乱調教) and speed(露出調教), 1underware for 1point up and item, the item can trade for spell scrolls in church.
Lvl up in lvl 2-9 can get パンツ for lvl 1training, lvl 10-19 get しましまパンツ for lvl 2 training, lvl20-29 get 水玉パンツ for lvl 3, lvl30- get黒レースパンツ for lvl 4.
But if u lvl 10 or higher doing back lvl 1 training will no status up only for item, like lvl 30 or higher cant do low lvl training for status up.
quest from master(the little girl in middle):
1 Go item store choice 会話(Conversation)
2 お寿司 --- 1-9F
3 ビィル --- 30-39F
4 ムーンストーン --- item store new buying list
5 レインポーパラソル --- 91-99F rare weapon
交換(exchange item)
quest from girl for exchange item(quest start after 50F):
1 (orange hair, the girl in right side, if not her choice exchange item again)真珠 --- item store new buying list
2 (purple hair, left side one)オパール --- item store new buying list
3 (orange hair)ルビー --- item store new buying list
4 (purple hair)サファイヤ --- item store new buying list
教会(Church) - You can buy spell scrolls here. Once you have a single scroll, you keep that spell forever. So no need to buy the same scroll twice, $+item form training for them, keep it ok, sell it spell gone.
quest from sister:
1 ラーメン --- 10-19F
2 ミーとスパゲッティ --- 20-29F
3 おだんご --- 30-39F
some scrolls and icon in tower information:
魔物寄せの書 --- call monster, will get icon 魔+skeleton in NW corner, other than stairs only monster
忍び足の書 --- evasion monster, will get icon 忍&skeleton, other than stairs no monster
平常心の書 --- nothing, will get icon 平&↑, other than stairs all nothing
あげまんの書 --- luck up, will get icon アゲ&↑, other then stairs no monster and alway have item.
さげまんの書 --- luck down, will get icon サゲ&↓, other than stairs alway trap or monster
??鍵開けの書 --- 4type this scrolls for open box, but dont think u get last scrolls can open all, need all 4 type scrolls, evasion trap scrolls like this so need all type...
宿屋(Inn) - 50g per night. Recovers both health and mana. You can also stay for free if you have no money.
美術館(Art gallery) - CG gallery
塔(Tower) - This is the game's dungeon system. There are 9 blocks per floor. Some blocks are enemies, some are items, some are traps, and some contain treasure chests. There is also one block per floor that contains a stairway. Picking the stairway advances you to the next floor. The blocks are randomly generated. There's a checkpoint every 10 floor.
9F 精液(can buy in item store)
19F Answer 1st: 立ちバック 2nd: 鏡 3rd password: むくどり
29F エロ本 (can find in 11-19F)
39F Answer 1st: 1:3 2nd: 砂糖 3rd: 棒を差し込む
49F デビルシャワー(can buy in weapon store), if choice no x 2(all 2nd choice)can fight to her, if win drop チン棒(slot5), if equip it can choice レイプ(rape) in store or other place, but if done all quest cant choice this. If 3 time rape in store also can use new buying list.
59F After choice 質問を終わる(last choice), see your luck(1/6 success, if fail click F12...)
69F 淫乱アップ(rare item, add 3int), can fight to her too if 2nd choice, if 49F defeated her, she not here.
79F password 1st: おいなり 2nd: まんこ
帰還スクロール: can find in(すべてor貴重品) back to town
簡易更衣室: can find in(すべてor貴重品) change look if equip right armor
Set of equipment:
全裸(effect luck down) --- 4(nomber for weapon/armor slot, so 1 weapon 2 shield 3 head 4 body 5 other)馬鹿には見えない服
チャイナ --- 1ヌンチャク 3おだんご頭 4チャイナ服
ナース(add skill for recover hp and cure poison/paralysis) --- 3ナースキャップ 4ブラックナース
ランジェリー(add skill for cure bad status when after lost to monster?) --- 3黒いリボン 4セクシーランジェリー
ウェスタン(add skill stun) --- 1コルト15NABY 3ウェスタンハット 4レザージャケット
サンタガール(add skill for open box, but 3 only) --- 3サンタ帽 4サンタスーツ
学生(effect nothing) --- 2学生鞄 3可愛いシュシュ 4セーラー服 5紺色ハイソックス
スーツ(add skill int up) --- 3メガネ 4スーツ 5黒ストッキング
水着 --- 2浮き輪 3白いリボン 4爽やかビキニ
マジカル(2 evasion trap skill) --- 3マジカルハット 4ローブ
カジュアル(add skill wind attack) --- 2エコバッグ 3ベレー帽 4カーディガン
スノープリンセス(2low lvl ice spell add) --- 3シルバークラウン(helf mp) 4スノープリンセス
バニー(add skill... use this dont know what happen) --- 3うさみみ 4バニースーツ 5網タイツ
軍(add skill atk up) --- 3軍帽 4軍服
ウエディング --- 3薔薇の髪飾り 4レースコルセット 5レースストッキング
ナイト(effect Luck up) --- 1ホウケイソード 2ナイトガード 3鉢金 4ビキニアーマー
くのー(effect no monster) --- 1くない 4忍者装束
M奴隷(skill def up) --- 3ロスフェイス 4ローストポーク
フェンリル(add skill ラミアンナーガ --- all attack + stun+paralysis) --- 1魔獣の爪 2牙の盾 3ウルフヘッド 4フェンリルの毛皮
魔神(add skill ジェノサイドアタック --- attack +hp tap)--- 1ジェノサイダー 2ブラッドガード 3デビルティアラ 4ダークナイトアーマー
Ending1 get item チン棒 from defeat アヘ子(49or69F), rape all ppl in town then go rape master(the little girl). After this end talk to master will join and get item 御主人様 for remove or join her.
Ending2 need virgin, done all quest to master untill see the rainbow cg, maybe need as fast as u can, so better 2nd round start
Ending3 lost virgin or not done quest about master or アヘ子, dont rape master.
Ending4 need virgin, done all quest about アヘ子(the slave in lv9, 29, 49, 69F), in 69F choice to lost virgin, in 90-99F find weapon(エンジェルロッド), only this end no last fight. After this end talk to slave will join and get item アヘ子 for remove or join her.
Ending5 same as ending 4 but no weapon(エンジェルロッド)
100%item and cg save